Are you on a home buying journey? Does it feel like it is taking forever to find your perfect home? The problem may not lie with the homes you are looking at, but with your expectations. There are different lists of important features you will want at each stage of your life. Unless you are building a custom home, each place you look at will fall on different intervals of your checklist. No place is perfect, but you can come close!Passing up a home because you are too detail-focused could potentially mean that you are losing out on the best home for you! If you recognize these four signs it may just mean that you are too picky…
1. You know exactly what you want…and won’t consider anything else. Sure we all have our wish lists, but most people can make compromises when it comes to veering away from their must-haves. If you are passing up a home because that shade of blue on the walls isn’t the cornflower blue you are looking for, you need to check your priorities. Your list should evolve as you visit more homes and make exceptions when necessary.
2. You are searching for your “forever home”, even as a first-time buyer. Your first home is known as your starter home for a reason! Small things such as the home is a little too small, farther from the office than you’d like, or one too many quirks add up to a home that is imperfect, but may give you the most for your money. Don’t let fantasies of forever impair your judgment for the here and now.
3. Home improvement shows are reality. Real life is not like HGTV or the shows you watch such as “Fixer Upper” or “Property Brothers”, no matter how much we want it to be! The transformations that take place on those shows are extremely costly, complex, time-consuming and often nightmarish. You never see the details behind the scenes or how many people are actually working on the project from start to finish. Wanting to make major renovations to a home that isn’t reasonable for the property or the neighborhood can end up costing you in the end.
4. Your REALTOR® is asking if you are ready to buy a home. Your Shorewest, REALTOR® genuinely wants you to find a home you love and have an amazing home-buying experience with you. However if a considerable amount of time has passed searching for a home and you still are nitpicking things that are not deal breakers, or passing on an otherwise perfect home besides the paint color, the time has come to ask if you are ready to buy a home. Fear is often the root of pickiness.
Your Shorewest, REALTOR® comes with the highest level of industry knowledge and expertise and is solely here to help guide and teach you on your home-buying journey. But it is hard to see an end if each home you see has 99.9% of the items on your wish list and yet you are still not making any offers. Homes become perfect for their owner because YOU make them that way. From time spent with family or the sweat equity and pride you feel after checking another project off your list, houses may not start out “perfect” but they become perfect for you. #ShorewestRealtors #ShorewestTips #HomeBuying
Tags: first time home buyers, HGTV, Home Buying, Homeowner, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, shorewest tips
Categories: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying, Monday Motivation
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